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Tag: Education

Spotlight on Cambodia Education: LWB’s Landfill Program

LWB’s Cambodia education programs provide access to education for Impoverished children who would otherwise have little hope of a brighter future. In the region where we work, many children live at the local landfill with their families and attend our Cambodia education programs. For the children in our landfill program, our efforts include four distinct […]

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Second Chances: Foster Care and Reunification in Cambodia

In December of 2020, we learned of a large sibling group in a poor, rural region of Cambodia in need of a second chance. The mother had left the children completely on their own in order to go searching for work. When our team came across them during an emergency food distribution during the pandemic, […]

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Story of Hope: Lulu from the Landfill Site

In 2020, we met a lovely little girl named Lulu. She and her family were living an unspeakably harsh life at a rural landfill site in Cambodia. At that time, Lulu’s parents had lost employment due to the COVID pandemic and had no way to feed their three children. The family had moved many hours […]

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Scoliosis Surgery Success Times 2: Treasure and Michaela

In 2019, LWB learned of a lovely eleven-year-old Ugandan girl named Treasure who had a severe case of scoliosis (a curvature of the spine) that was making her life very difficult. Treasure’s scoliosis was so severe that her ribcage was pushed against her heart and lungs which caused breathing and circulation issues. Doctors in Uganda […]

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New Healing Home Education Program in China

In 2023, we were able to make the gift of education a vital new part of our Healing Home program in China. This gift allows some of our older healing home residents the chance to grow their minds while receiving the nurturing care and medical attention that their little bodies need. Ten school-aged children participating […]

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Big Dreams Come True for Megan

You may remember a lovely young woman named Megan from last year’s “20 Years of Hope” blog series. After losing her younger sister who was unable to receive the medical care that she needed, Megan resolved to help prevent others from going through a similar tragedy. Her dream was to study at a university in […]

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20 Years of Hope: Jennifer

We first learned of little Jennifer during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Schools in Cambodia were shut down then, and LWB began doing Emergency Food Relief to help families in many poor, rural areas of Cambodia. During these deliveries, our staff met Jennifer’s mother, Elva, who was struggling to provide for eight small children. Their […]

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20 Years of Hope: Dawson

When Dawson was just a baby, his father passed away, and he spent his childhood being raised by his struggling single mom. In 2021, Dawson turned thirteen years old and his mother remarried. The new family unit of mother, son and step-father proved to be a poor fit. From time to time, Dawson found himself […]

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20 Years of Hope: Hayden

In early 2017, tiny Hayden came into the care of our former healing home in Uganda needing considerable TLC. He was sickly, weighing a scant 5 kilograms (11 pounds) at 13 months of age, and his parents were nowhere to be found. The nannies in the home got right to work loving on this precious […]

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20 Years of Hope: Natasha

We first met 7-year-old Natasha and her two younger sisters in 2017 when they enrolled at our Rangsei Believe In Me school in Cambodia. After getting to know the family, we discovered that the girls had to travel a very long way through the Cambodian jungle each day in order to receive an education. What […]

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