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Tag: Believe In Me

Working Towards Permanent Change: Two New Programs in Guatemala

We are very excited to share a brief video blog about our two newest projects in Guatemala. Thanks go out to Alan Dahl, LWB Board Chairman, for sharing his enthusiasm for these wonderful initiatives that launched in January of 2024. The first program Alan introduces is the ADISA Center, providing a loving and nurturing environment […]

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Spotlight on Cambodia Education: LWB’s Landfill Program

LWB’s Cambodia education programs provide access to education for Impoverished children who would otherwise have little hope of a brighter future. In the region where we work, many children live at the local landfill with their families and attend our Cambodia education programs. For the children in our landfill program, our efforts include four distinct […]

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Story of Hope: Lulu from the Landfill Site

In 2020, we met a lovely little girl named Lulu. She and her family were living an unspeakably harsh life at a rural landfill site in Cambodia. At that time, Lulu’s parents had lost employment due to the COVID pandemic and had no way to feed their three children. The family had moved many hours […]

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20 Years of Hope: Jennifer

We first learned of little Jennifer during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Schools in Cambodia were shut down then, and LWB began doing Emergency Food Relief to help families in many poor, rural areas of Cambodia. During these deliveries, our staff met Jennifer’s mother, Elva, who was struggling to provide for eight small children. Their […]

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20 Years of Hope: Rena and Her Brothers

Ten-year-old Rena was worried. She’d been left in charge of her three little brothers for over a week while her mom went searching for work. They’d been sleeping along the Cambodian border on public land, after fleeing to escape domestic violence. Their meager food supplies had been out for days. Rena knew she had to […]

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20 Years of Hope: Theodore

At the beginning of 2023, a little boy named Theodore came to the attention of our Cambodia team. He was just eight years old and living all by himself. When Theodore was one year old his father passed away; soon afterward, his mother remarried and left Theodore alone in the very poor village where their […]

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20 Years of Hope: Janelle

Fourteen-year-old Janelle’s background story is far too common in the poor, rural areas of Guatemala. Her mother abandoned the family several years ago, leaving Janelle in the care of her impoverished grandmother. Although Janelle had no access to education for three full years, she dreamt of being able to return to school to improve her […]

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Hope for Children at the Landfill: Annalise

This week, we are raising funds to provide hope and education to 78 impoverished children living at a rural landfill site in Cambodia. During the COVID pandemic in Cambodia, Annalise’s family lost employment and had no income at all. They made the move to the local dump site to try to earn enough money to […]

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Hope for Children at the Landfill: Riley

This week, we are working to provide hope and education to 78 impoverished children living at a rural landfill in Cambodia. Twelve-year-old Riley is one of the many precious children whom we found living at a landfill site near our programs in western Cambodia. Years ago, Riley’s parents had left her in the care of […]

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20 Years of Hope: Sampson

In the fall of 2016, we were first introduced to a solemn little boy who lived along the border region of Cambodia and Thailand. At just two years of age, Sampson had already lived through more sorrow than any toddler should have to experience. His father died when he was just a baby, leaving him […]

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